Saturday, November 13, 2010

My Grandma Rose

My Grandma Rose came from North Dakota this fall. I don't think she is going to have very much fun here though because her first day here there was a little problem. When my grandma got here she was complaining about how her eyes where dry so my mom got a little bottle that said eye drops across the front. I tried to tell her not to give grandma the "eye drops" but she wouldn't listen. Grandma put the "eye drops" in her eyes while I squirmed in the corner hoping nothing would happen. My grandma screamed and started jumping up and down. I probably looked fishy because my mom ran in the room and took one look at me and asked what did you do in a not so happy tone. A while ago I dumped all the eye drop liquid out of the bottle and then put bubble mix in the bottle in case I needed more bubbles later in life. I started crying and hid my face. My mom ran over to my grandma and turned on the water and washed her eye out. My mom got my grandma a meal and to sleep. Later I got in big trouble. I did tell my story to and my older sister was there to and was laughing and laughing. Her name is Brenda but I call her Brenda Brata because she is always mean to me. Wish me luck!

1 comment:

Olivia said...

Hahahaha! Poor granny, that must of stung her eyes pretty bad... Unfortunately it's kind of funny, Hahahaha!